Are you losing in the battle with your financial requirements? Is Life going downhill as the debt is increasing day-by-day? Conquer all your financial battles with gold loans. A gold loan is easy to apply, easier to get approved and easiest to claim the required amount. Apply for a Gold Loan Roing on our website,, and discover various possibilities made reality solely for you.
Interest Rates of Gold Loan Roing
Gold loans are secured loans, which makes it easier for customers and banks to communicate with trust and assurance.
The minimum interest rate is 10.75% per annum or less than 1% per month.
Moreover, the foreclosure services are available only after the completion of the 1st year of the loan tenure. The prepayment fee is 0-2% of the total amount of the loan.
In addition to this, the Processing fee is 0-2% of the total amount of the loan.
Eligibility Criteria for Gold Loan Roing
Firstly, the applicant should be a permanent citizen of India.
Secondly, the eligible age for applying for a gold loan is from 18 years to 60 years.
Thirdly, the applicant should have more than 10 grams of gold ornaments.
Lastly, the purity of gold should be from 18 carats to 22 carats.
Benefits of a Gold Loan
To begin with, almost all banks and NBFCs today offer gold loans for their customers. Gold loans appeal to a lot of customers.
Moreover, getting this financial product requires minimal documentation. Well, if you are thinking to apply for a gold loan, then you made the right choice.
Furthermore, Gold loans are considered secure loans as it builds a trust relationship between the customer and the lenders.
In addition to this, the processing time of a gold loan is less than 30 minutes with the smooth and time-saving application and evaluation process.
Documentation for Gold Loan Roing
To start with, the applicant should attach two passport sized photographs with the application form.
Next, the applicant should attach one proof of Identity. It can be PAN Card /Voter ID Card/ Aadhar Card / Passport/ Driving License.
Also, the applicant should attach one residence proof. It can be Voter ID Card/ PAN Card/ Aadhar card/ Passport/ Driving License/ Ration Card/ Rental Agreement or Lease Agreement / Utility bills.
How to apply online for a Gold Loan?
Firstly, fill in your required details in the web form on
After that, we will be in touch with you within 30 minutes.
Furthermore, if you justify the eligibility criteria, we will choose the loan which suits you the best.
In addition to this, submit the required documents with our representative, who will get in touch with you.
Lastly, receive the loan amount on the same day.
To begin with, our website provides you a deal according to your profile and requirements.
Next, we provide you with exclusive one-on-one deals through our expert relationship managers.
Also, we will suggest you the deals and offers which are available in your specific region.
Lastly, you can avail maximum funding and lowest interest rates with your desired bank.
About Roing
Roing is a Hindi speaking Town and a Tehsil Headquarters of Roing Tehsil in Lower Dibang Valley District of Arunachal Pradesh, India. It is at a distance of 1 km from District headquarters Roing. It is also the district headquarter.